

Ocular infection


  1. Taylor RJ. Eye infections: be careful now or regret it later. American Academy of Ophthalmology. June 24, 2020.
  2. Corneal disease. Cleveland Clinic. May 9, 2023.
  3. American Academy of Ophthalmology. August 31, 2017.
  4. Boyd K. What is blepharitis? American Academy of Ophthalmology. August 8, 2022.
  5. Boyd K. What is the difference between a stye and a chalazion? Causes, symptoms, treatment. American Academy of Ophthalmology. September 9, 2022.
  6. Eye with uvea. Mayo Clinic. 2023.

Image references: Shutterstock.


Do I have an ocular infection?


  1. Keratitis. American Optometric Association.
  2. Roat MI. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. MSD Manual Consumer Version. September 2022.
  3. Herpes simplex eye infection. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  4. Blepharitis. American Optometric Association.
  5. Styes and chalazions. Harvard Health Publishing. April 24, 2019.
  6. Stye and chalazion. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  7. Uveitis. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  8. Boyd K. Conjunctivitis: what is pink eye? American Academy of Ophthalmology. April 25, 2023.

Image references: Shutterstock.


Common types of ocular infection 


  1. Keratitis. American Optometric Association.
  2. Keratitis. BMJ Best Practice. 2020.
  3. Shingles – what is it? BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  4. Roat MI. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. MSD Manual Consumer Version. September 2022.
  5. Herpes simplex eye infection. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  6. Blepharitis. American Optometric Association.
  7. Styes and chalazions. Harvard Health Publishing. April 24, 2019.
  8. Boyd K. What is the difference between a stye and a chalazion? Causes, symptoms, treatment. American Academy of Ophthalmology. September 9, 2022.
  9. Stye and chalazion. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  10. Uveitis. National Eye Institute. November 16, 2021.
  11. Eye with uvea. Mayo Clinic. 2023.
  12. Uveitis. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  13. Uveitis symptoms and causes. OIUF. 2022.
  14. Acute conjunctivitis. BMJ Best Practice. 2021.
  15. Boyd K. Conjunctivitis: what is pink eye? American Academy of Ophthalmology. April 25, 2023.

Image references: Shutterstock.


Treating ocular infections


  1. 8 common eye infections and how to treat them. Healthline. February 13, 2023.
  2. Moroney Y. Over-the-counter eye preparations for allergies. SA Pharmacist’s Assistant. 2022;22(1).
  3. Blepharitis. American Optometric Association.
  4. Chalazion. American Optometric Association.
  5. How to use eye drops. Healthline. February 15, 2018.

Image references: Shutterstock.


Managing ocular infections


  1. How to tell if you have an eye infection. All About Vision.
  2. 8 common eye infections and how to treat them. Healthline. February 13, 2023.
  3. Taylor RJ. Eye infections: be careful now or regret it later. American Academy of Ophthalmology. June 24, 2020.
  4. Blepharitis. American Optometric Association.
  5. Hordeolum (stye). American Optometric Association.
  6. Chalazion. American Optometric Association.
  7. Boyd K. Conjunctivitis: what is pink eye? American Academy of Ophthalmology. April 25, 2023.
  8. Keratitis. American Optometric Association.

Image references: Shutterstock.


Resources for ocular infections


  1. Pink eye (conjunctivitis). Mayo Clinic. 2023.
  2. Blepharitis. Mayo Clinic. 2023.
  3. Stye (sty). Mayo Clinic. 2023.
  4. Chalazion. Mayo Clinic. 2023.
  5. Keratitis. Mayo Clinic. 2023.
  6. Eye Care. MedlinePlus. February 14, 2017.
  7. Mukamal R. 20 things to know about children's eyes and vision. American Academy of Ophthalmology. April 8, 2022.
  8. Adcock Ingram Ltd. Data on file. How to use eye drops. 2022.

Image references: Shutterstock.

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